
Playbill: Critics Misgendered This Off-Broadway Actor, Now They’re Speaking Out

September 28, 2019 – “A lot of people don’t understand all of the labels we use and don’t get why we need to have all of these words. But you might not realize the power of words until they’ve been used against you,” says Burke. “Words are ideas and words are feelings and words have impact—that’s why we’re storytellers.”


Broadway World: Actor Maybe Burke Addresses Misgendering In Reviews Of 'safeword.'

April 30, 2019 – "Most of all, I felt that I had let my community down. And that thought still hurts. I have done a lot of work to make myself a public figure who is openly transgender and non-binary. I have leveraged the privilege I have to be able to work on projects like this in order to gain visibility for people like me. And all of a sudden I felt like a fraud. I felt like my work wasn't working. And I was scared I had disappointed the people who needed me the most."

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Theatre Scene: “safeword.” Review

August 26, 2019 – "With their cheery speech patterns, animated presence and passionate sincerity, Maybe Burke is outstanding as Chris."

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NYIT Awards: Meet the 2019 Nominees

August 20, 2019 – "To be nominated for this award, that is complete validation of the space I am holding. As a non-binary trans feminine person, to be nominated in a category for actresses is not being taken lightly. I am honored and touched to be seen by this opportunity, and hope it can be part of a larger conversation about representation and accountability for actors outside of the binary."


My Entertainment World: Red Emma and the Mad Monk

August 26, 2018 – "Highlights in the ensemble include Maybe Burke as the naive but enthusiastic Addison – Burke enlivens the show with youthful exuberance but also aptly conveys Addison’s journey from a sheltered child to a more worldly teen who has begun to recognize the sinister side of the world in which we live."

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NYT Critic’s Pick: Besties With Rasputin in ‘Red Emma and the Mad Monk’

April 21, 2018 – "The show, which Ms. Roblan created with the director Katie Lindsay, is an astute representation of a searching tween’s inner world. After all, for a digital native like Addison (the nonbinary performer Maybe Burke), people, ideas and events coexist freely in a melding of life and internet."


The Guardian: 'Third-class citizens': trans actors see stereotyping and exclusion in Hollywood

July 9, 2018 – "Film-makers have also told Burke they are looking for someone who is at a different stage of 'transition', implying they wanted someone more ‘passable’ as a cis woman… ‘I’m a complete human being walking into the room, and you’re telling me I’m not finished,' they said."


NYT: Festival Moves Event After Church Objects to Gay-Themed Content

October 13, 2017 – "Organizers of the International Human Rights Art Festival put out a news release about the event at St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church on Grand Street about a month ago. The festival included a comedy improvisation, 'Thank You For Coming Out,' about revealing gay identity, and a series of original cabaret songs by Maybe Burke, a transgender artist and activist."


TDF Stages: Festival Moves Event After Church Objects to Gay-Themed Content

September 16, 2016 – "I want to change the game. I want to make sure cis people know how to talk to and about trans people without being confused or offensive or feeling like they don't have the answers. I want trans people to be in charge of how they are referenced. I want people to have a stronger sense of what life is like for a trans person, even if they've never met one. I want trans people to see themselves represented positively and honestly on an accessible but respectable platform. I want the language surrounding trans identity to be commonplace and mainstream. I want people to be literate in all things relating to trans experience and gender non-conformity. I want young people to feel like there is a place for them in the theatre world and beyond, a place where they don't have to compromise their ideas or identities. Simply put, I want Trans Literacy."


Edge Media Network: The Trans Theatre Festival

June 30, 2016 – Terrence Diamond: "We need more theatre artists like Maybe Burke that honestly add complexity to the narrative of growing up trans and do so with style and heart."


Greenpointers: North Brooklyn’s Trans Theatre Fest: Toxic and Heartfelt “Love Letters to Nobody, or Insignificant Others”

June 23, 2016 – Billy McEntee: “The show is sincerely if not expertly performed; Burke is a captivating though fledgling artist. Their dances to (often Robyn’s) transitional music create some of the most upbeat, infectious moments... And one thing is certain: Maybe is spectacular."


NYTR: Exchanging Love Letters with Maybe Burke –Theatre, Activism, and Taking Ownership of Our Own Stories.

June 20, 2016 – "I definitely think we can change the world through art, because I've watched it happen. To quote Mark Schoenfeld and Barri McPherson's musical Brooklyn, 'You can change the world by changing someone, and maybe that's what we're put on Earth for. I know that's what I'm on Earth for.' Every time someone tells me that my stories opened their mind or validated their experience, I am reminded that what I am doing is contributing to that change."

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Time Out NY: The first-ever Trans Theatre Festival is looking to tell authentic stories

June 7, 2016 – “It’s important to see yourself represented accurately onstage and that there’s not just one way to be trans. But it’s also important for [cisgender] people and allies to look outside of their own lived experience, which they’ll be able to do at this festival."

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i-D: Why Brooklyn Needed a Trans Theatre Festival

June 7, 2016 – “What does "trans theatre" mean to you? Is it trans writers and performers, or simply a trans-friendly environment?.. What mediums will be included? Maybe: Trans theatre, for me, is taking our narrative back. Too often in mainstream theatre, we see trans roles being played by the "opposite gender" and misguided attempts at depicting the perils of a medical transition. In trans theatre, we can see trans people. We can hear genuine and honest stories.